It will cost $40 per day to keep a cloned disk, but you'll need to be utilising the us-central1, us-west1, and us-east1 regions if you want to use it in your own calculations. 'I'm really happy to be one of the few women in computer science holding the record, and I hope I can show more people who want to work in the industry what's possible.'Īnyone wanting to get their hands on the data can do so by obtaining the snapshots on Google Cloud Platform. 'I was very fortunate that there were Japanese world record holders that I could relate to,' Iwao said of the achievement. Throughout the process, Google took disk snapshots at intervals so it could process the calculation, record it, then dispose of the data something not possible using traditional infrastructure. The tool was then run using the Chudnovsky's Formula algorithm, but verified using Bellard's formula and BBP formula. Yee, deployed to a Google Compute Engine virtual machine cluster. The calculation was achieved using y-cruncher, a benchmark tool created by Alexander J. Majority of UK police forces lagging behind on cloud.Gmail, Drive and other Google services suffer international outage.